Alex - Fearless Leader
Former narrow-tire-high-pressure user.
President of the Willow Springs Wetland Association, allegedly...

Merrill - Recovering Lawyer
Founder of Oregon's Best Bike Shop.*
(*statement not legally binding)

Scott - Yes, He Skis
A mystery wrapped in an enigma fried in confounding sauce.
Was in Italy that one time.

Jake - A Highly Decorated Manager
A one-man bike school, wheels are his first language, and often the primary suspect...
...hey mel, schlangus.

Jeff - Jazz Afficianado
Leads a MicroSpline Conversion Survivor support group every 5th Sunday in April.

Weston - Selfie Expert
Can honestly answer "yes" if someone asks him "do you know how to fly this thing?!" during a zombie chase scene.

Lara - Photographer, Social Media Guru
*Attenborough Voice*
...and here we see the elusive female mechanic...

Sparky - Frankenbiker
Responsible for website content.
Also, a charming combination of incredibly humble and dashingly good-looking.
Still working through his eBike problem.

Tink - Cats, Bikes, Rage
Ask us about our wookie noises.